For Buyers

Your B2B Directory for Sustainable Suppliers

From manufacturing to packaging, EcoHive helps you connect with eco-friendly suppliers for your business and environmental needs.


Browse for suppliers through industries, or search for a product you want to make.



Discover the right supplier that meets your environmental and business needs.



Review their materials, their sustainability efforts, their reason for being, and their certificates.



Connect with your ideal supplier and together make an amazing eco-friendly product.


Simple and informative

Not sure whether a supplier is greenwashing on their website? Or whether their environmental values are in line with yours?

On EcoHive, you can save time and avoid the hassle of reading through multiple pages from dozens of suppliers. Key information on suppliers is presented to you in an organized and intuitive way to help you to make informed decisions when selecting a partner.

Eco-tags help you find suppliers that have the same environmental values as you do. (Learn more about our eco-tag system here)

View a supplier’s products and/or portfolio to see if they meet your business needs.

Improve your branding and value proposition by learning about the environmental benefits of a supplier’s materials and processes.

See the company’s certificates and sustainability programs. (Learn more about certificates here)

Contact us:

Do you need help finding the sustainable materials you need, or help finding the right supplier? Do you have any questions or suggestions?

Don’t hesitate to contact us. Or you can email us at